iPad (6th Gen) – Worst Quality


“Worst” Quality ($10): Typically, these are the iPads that have obvious defects: cracked but usable screens, jacks broken off in headphone plugs, do not hold a charge as well as others, etc. Full description below.

Out of stock

SKU: ipad6worst Category:

Win-E-Mac is ordering a new fleet of iPads for the upcoming school year. Our current iPads need to go! All of our current iPads are 6th generation (home button with fingerprint scanner, Lightning charger) with 32 GB of storage.

We have sorted our current iPads into three quality categories, which are as follows:

  • “Best” Quality ($40): Typically, these are the iPads that were used in the younger elementary grades for classroom “centers” but did not go home with the students.
  • “Average” Quality ($25): Typically, these are the iPads that were used in the upper elementary grades and did go home with the students, so they have a bit more wear-and-tear.
  • “Worst” Quality ($10): Typically, these are the iPads that have obvious defects: cracked but usable screens, jacks broken off in headphone plugs, do not hold a charge as well as others, etc.

Additionally, while the iPads do come with the case, none of the iPads are going to be sold with chargers. You will have to purchase your own charging cords. There are many options available on Amazon, including those made by Apple, Amazon, or other off-brands for various price points. I recommend this one because it is sturdy and should last a long time:

If you have any questions about this iPad sale, please contact technology@wemschools.org. Thanks.